Monday, April 15, 2013

Stupid Storm Sandy

Until about 4:00pm on that day, October 29, I was having a great time up at the beach in the Super Storm, watching the wild sea and speculating as to what it was going to do.  Once the sea started to surge, well before the high tide, it wasn't as fun.  Once it started crashing over the dunes, ripping out gas lines, and causing a fire it was scary and anger-inducing.  Six months later- half a year- every time I see the small beach and sand castle-like beach front homes, or hear about the cops writing tickets for walking on the beach, or listen when someone tells me about how their home was looted in the days after, or walk my dog along the road and see garbage and cigarette butts and parts of homes I think this is the stupidest fucking thing. 

People do the stupidest fucking shit to the Earth, their home, and then it ruins their homes- and they do the stupid fucking shit again and again.  Got to bring in the heavy equipment and burn more gas, have to get the power back on so the leaking nuclear plant can allow us to watch TV.  I have to get back to spending like $200 a month on gasoline so the weather can get fucked up even more.  Again and again.

The day Stupid Storm Sandy struck there was a stagnant high near Greenland and the temperature was as much as +21F above average.  Earlier in the year, in the summer, under a different stagnant high 97% of the surface of the ice sheet was melting because it was so warm.  Warming up the poles fucks up the weather.  Which fucks up people's lives and bank accounts and stress levels.

When I finally get the chance to speak with an alien, or maybe even a human who knows how to do more than give a salute and a handshake and mumble a prerecorded line about restoring the shore, I foresee a conversation going like this . . .

J: You know, I love the beauty of this planet, but I just get so frustrated with all of the abuse and misconduct.  I could ask why a million times, but I already know the answer.

Alien: Yes it is quite a shame sometimes.

J: It's like how often are humans given the chance to do something better, and they don't?  They choose to do worse!  And they keep doing it.  And if I point that out, they say I'm the weird one.

Alien: Not always to do what is right, but to do what is familiar is the way most humans work.  If what is familiar is war, inequality, ozone holes, cancer inducing products, ignorance of global warming, then you will sound like the odd one if you challenge thier familiarity.

J: I need a new planet.  Or at least the same planet inhabited by those with a different mentality.

Alien: Do not despair.  Back during World War II, humans were close to destroying the planet.  We had to make a lot more visits and some interventions- that's why there were so many sightings in that time, Foo Fighters- not only was there the ecological destruction from the beginning of global warming, that was backseat to the outright slaughter of humans, and the humans acquisition of technology that was even more dangerous.  Since then there has been nuclear radiation and near precise mind control and influence through television and other large media outlets.

J: Like I said, I need a new planet, or at least the same one inhabited by those with a different mentality.

Alien: Fortunately, your planet is diverse.  In fact, Earth is one of the most diverse planets we know of in the universe.

J: Yes, it is a beautiful place.  That is what I love about it.  It just frustrates me, the way some people abuse it.

Alien: It frustrates us, as well.  There is no other group in the universe that we know of, whom if they discovered thier power plants and vehicles were warming the atmosphere and causing destructive weather, that they would not build different power plants and vehicles.  We have no way of making sense of that type of behavior.

J: Yes, I always know my feelings about the Stupid Storm and the droughts are valid.

Alien: Yes they are absolutely.  As an alien, other than monitoring and some minor experiments, unless the world is about to be totally destroyed, like in World War II, we are not allowed to intervene.  But you, while as a human, always have the power to change the world- to influence it, to influence others, to generate responses and shake the cobwebs off of people's familiarity.

The footprints are on the "dune".  The sea level is higher, and doesn't apper to be going down.

I tell you, I am not eager for the Stupid Storm Sandy Stupid Spring and Summer that is likely this year.  Even worse crowds from lack of access or a lack of crowds because half of the summer homes are not really functioning as homes.  Probably a lot of hyperactive, shallow breathing, uptight life guards and police ready to give a lecture about "saftey" and not about the cause of how things got to be so "unsafe" in the first place.  The stagnant Greenland high, the warming poles, the thousands of miles of east wind over the ocean.  The pumping of shit into the air.

And you know it's entirely your fault.  If you decide to keep bumbling along the same track, the familiar track, then nothing will change.  If you decide to change, no matter how miniscule or seemingly inconsequential that change appears, the world around you will change.  Is that true?  No, it's a lie-
but it's a useful way to change the state of what surrounds you.