Monday, December 19, 2011

Starting to Plan the New Direction

I wouldn't say it's over yet and that I'm giving the interior of my pick-up a long overdue vacuum session, but I am going to put some air in the tires tomorrow morning.  After being spoiled for a while, expecting to catch numbers of keeper fish during each outing, the thought of getting out of a warm bed on a 25 degree morning to catch one fish- or not- doesn't really seem worth it.  Of course the chance is still there to get a decent bite, it's not like it's February yet, but I just get a little impatient once it gets to the trickle down.  It's like, alright, can we move on to the next thing already?  I already have winter planned out, let's go, let's go.  Onto the next!

Thousands of birds would obscure the ocean on days this at the time of this photograph when it's going on.  Instead, I only saw several seagulls working over the ducks that were pushing up sand eels.  I looked to the north and didn't see anything coming down.  Empty.

Now, someone will probably bang out something like 15 fish this week in two hours, but like I said I'm starting to pull out.  In other words, I have not finished, the gear is still on standby if I get the urge to make some casts later in the week or this weekend before the holiday.  I have been late to Christmas dinners before because of a blitz, so it's worth it to keep a finger on the pulse until at least New Year's.

What bothers me about the end this year is that the beach looks like a straight formless worthless nothing.  Translated to mean there are no structures, edges, points, or dips to hold fish over a long stretch, which is the type of fishing I count on after the blitzes subside.  At least when there are no fish it's fun to put your plug in some nice water, and until we get a storm that gives us more than a 3-4ft SE ground swell which does nothing to move sand, that situation is unlikely to change.  That's just a reason for me to have more sleep and prettier eyes.

Eithery way, a lot will be determined by what goes on this week.  If it still seems fishy I will hit it this weekend, but if not, done.